State Of The Art 2022: Asthma
SOTA 2022 has been rescheduled to April 29th 2022. If you have already booked your registration you will be automatically transferred to the new date of April 29th 2022.
It is with great pleasure we invite you to attend (FTF again!) our STATE-OF-THE-ART ASTHMA meeting in Melbourne. A Panel of outstanding speakers has been assembled to provide fresh perspectives on a disease that continues to challenge – and at times perplex us. The venue will again be the RACV Club in Melbourne but to accommodate our overseas speakers the starting time will be delayed to midday. The program will include dinner and finish mid-evening followed by an opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues. We hope that you will be able to join us.
Phil Bardin on behalf of the Organising Committee.
Featuring Jeff Drazen, Ian Pavord, Arnaud Bourdin, Jane Bourke, Vanessa McDonald, Peter Wark, David Langton, Phil Bardin, Jo Douglass
MLSI Annual State of the Art Conference: Asthma
April 29th 2022, 12:00 – 21:00
RACV City Club: 501 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3001
Conference held on Level 17